I am so fond of my birth day... :) I know there is nothing new about it, as everybody is fond of his/her birthdays.. But there is a lil ambiguity about my birth-day which I just hate so much :( :(... as the two (real and official) are different in my case... again there this nothing new about this. We Indians deliberately change our children's birth dates. Big reason is to make their ages lesser than their actual ages and then through out there lives they keep lying about their ages.
My cake will display this although.. ;)

My cake will display this although.. ;)

Never-mind, my story is lil weird, but before I iterate the same, I should let you know the dates first of all, BTW the lovely day for me, was 2nd Nov 19_ _ (why should I mention the year, we gals shouldn't disclose our ages right ;) ;)..) And the sad part is the official birth date is registered as 2nd-Apr(year being same).. Ah its today.. gosh Its my birthday today <3 <3....
I rem, while I was in class four, and my class teacher was verifying everyone's birth dates, and when she uttered "Madhvi Pandey" with DOB:02-Apr.. I interrupted saying no ma'am Its 02-Nov. Teacher asked "are you sure??", I said "I am damn". But she was nonplussed at how come it be differing by exact six months. This definitely would not be a mistake. Considering me a naïve, she asked me to get it confirmed from my parents. That day after the school, I asked my father in the evening that "Renu mam was asking for what's my correct birth date, isn't it 02-Nov??". After giving a thought over it, my father replied "No tell her Its 02-Apr". I was made understood that, for schools it should be 02-Apr. without inquiring further on I, the very next day told my teacher "Yes Mam, Its 02-Apr..".. The class teacher gave me tough looks, murmuring "isn't what I had said earlier". Post that I never gave it a thought on why that ambiguity, what does that mean, why months of gap.
Well, I don't know, when actually was I told the reasons, which is so rubbish, I believe... :-/ :-/.. My Mother told that you (means I), used to look so small and tender that when they took me for admissions in schools, the teachers denied to let me get admission :( :( stating that the child is not even two and a half years of old ( which is the minimum age requirement for schools admissions), my parents tried convincing them, but all in vain. With the lack of birth certificates in those times, they, the teachers didn't take the truth.. Since admissions here in India occur in the months of April, and then, what My parents did was that, they went to another school, and showed me even older(preponing dob from November to April) than my real age,. :( :(... and then the trick worked as their child got the admissions. yippieeeee... BUT, I really wonder when I hear extraordinary guy/gal clearing IAS exams in early teens or even cracking IIT during schools or so, don't they give there B'day proofs o-) x-).. and look at our plights, we had to play with reality... x-| x-\ .......
But somebody ask me today, How does it feel when I write something else on documents and celebrate on another day, how does it feel, when my colleagues and organization send me a birthday mail on the false, irrelevant day... gurrrrrrr.. not there fault surely... :(
Unofficial Birthday in Official Environment
Yes to those, who inquire on why, how-come different days, then of-course I have to re-iterate the stories again n again, next time on-wards, I'll send them the link to this piece of writing of mine :P :P
BTW, when I try thinking hard over the plus side of it, on the false dates of 02-Apr, I give reasons to myself that It would have had let me fetch benefits at-least at some point in my life, may be over the entrance exams when candidates score equal marks, and then, the one with prior dob is given privilege over the other who is born later, I definitely would have got some benefit or may not have got any at all (";).., so what, for my parents I started schools on time :) :) that's enough I guess..
BTW, when I try thinking hard over the plus side of it, on the false dates of 02-Apr, I give reasons to myself that It would have had let me fetch benefits at-least at some point in my life, may be over the entrance exams when candidates score equal marks, and then, the one with prior dob is given privilege over the other who is born later, I definitely would have got some benefit or may not have got any at all (";).., so what, for my parents I started schools on time :) :) that's enough I guess..
Pheww.... to end it, I would say irrespective of the stories associated, I just love my birthday of-course i.e. 02-Nov.. I would start loving the 02-Apr as well, provided I am given presents on that day as well... :-P :-P
Loll, jokes apart lastly... "Happy Birthday To ME "
O my gosh!!!!!! I literally dint know this truth baby.....such a nice and delightful post. I enjoyed it so much throughout...kudos and happy b'day :P hehehe